Home Forums General Weta Stuff Weta performance in light wind (less than 10 knots)

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  • #1404
    CA sailor


    I currently sail Hobie Wave, it’s terrific boat, but requires at least 11 knots to be entertaining and it’s sometimes hard to find decent wind in our area. So, I wonder how fast and maneuverable and overall entertaining Weta in light wind conditions?

    Thank you for your answers!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by CA sailor.
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  • Author
    • #1407

      Hi CA sailor,

      I sail on an inland lake, and we get a lot of light air days.  At zero knots of wind, even trailor sailors will drift past – but let’s face it those conditions are miserable no matter what you sail.   But once you get any sort of light air, the Weta will out-perform all the dinghies and catamarans.  We have found in very light conditions you can almost use the jennaker in any point of sail.

      So it depends on what type of sailing you are talking about.   If you sail in a regular club competition where you have to take what you get each club racing day, and if what you get is a lot of light air, then the Weta can do the business.  If you only sail when the conditions are right for an exciting ride, then I suggest you wait for the right conditions no matter what you sail!


    • #1406
      Paul White
      • City: Sydney
      • Country: Australia
      • Weta Sail Number: 1300

      The Weta struggles to overcome the drag from 3 hulls in less than 5 knots but between 5-8 knots it’s OK and it will plane upwind above 8 knots in flat water. It gets fun above 10 knots and really fun up to about 30. More than that is ok and depends on the sea state – but it will be very wet and fast but easier than survival sailing especially without the jib.

      The main advantages of the Weta over the Wave are:

      1. Sail area

      The Weta has 123 ft² of sail for main and jib but then there’s also the Genneker which adds another 26 ft². Up to about 5 knots it can pay to use the Genneker as a “code zero” by sheeting it in hard,  which doesn’t allow you to point much but is better than not moving at all. The combination of main and jib is more efficient than main alone because of the effect of the airflow over the main from the jib.

      The Wave only has 95 ft² of mainsail in total.

      2. Weight

      The Wetas carbon and fibreglass construction means it only weighs 265lbs fully rigged for a boat which is 18.10′ x 11.6′ when rigged (but only 14.5’x5.7′ on the trolley) with a 21.6′ mast.

      Wheres the Wave is 245 lbs of Rotomolded Polyethylene and is 13′ x 7′ with a 20′ aluminium mast.

      3. Daggerboard and tacking

      The Weta daggerboard and jib means it tacks like a monohull even in light winds whereas the mainsail only of the Wave and twin hulls means it’s quite hard to tack in light winds.

      4. Optional sails

      There is a larger 42ft² Genneker available and also a number of 3rd party “fat-head” mainsails available which increase the size by about 10%.

      Weta are testing a new lightweight hull and larger mainsail combination for use in areas with light winds.

      Hope this helps


      #325, Sydney


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