Home Forums Australian Racing & Events Australian Season 2014/15 – NSW/ACT Activity to Dec 2014 Reply To: Australian Season 2014/15 – NSW/ACT Activity to Dec 2014


Hi Leigh

I have sailed out of YMCASC many moons ago as a kid in a Mirror Dinghy. Mostly we sailed from the CYC, but occasionally there would be a regatta at YMCA. But we are talking about last century!

Re Gosford launching and retrieving – I guess it’s just what you are used to. But in my experience its better than most places in Sydney. There is adequate parking on flat ground and a big grassy space to rig up on (for example 100+ Lasers have had their State titles previously at Gosford. 30+ lasers most Saturdays plus other classes). The grass leads down to a sandy beach which is about 10? metres long – there can be a delay of a few minutes if everyone decides to launch at the same time, although the plus side is that there are usually some friendly people ready to drag your dolly up onto the grass for you! You can jump on board with your centreboard half down and within another 5-10m you are in deep water

Anyway, looking forward to the season ahead

Cheers, Alistair