Home Forums Australian Racing & Events Australian Season 2014/15 – NSW/ACT Activity to Dec 2014


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  • #330

    Can you believe that there are only 57 days until race one of the CYC season!  I think it should be a good one with some interesting events in addition to the club racing.

    First cab off the rank is the Jervis Bay regatta 27-28 Sep.  Went last year and had a great time.  Nice location, easy off the beach launch, good water and wind.  I am planning to go this year.

    Labour Day weekend 4-6 Oct – A trailer sailer event at the CYC but does not look like anything else.   Some of the Weta guys are promoting the RMYC Multihull event conducted on this weekend.  3 days – 5 races – presentation dinner.  Details a little scant, but it is happening.  Thinking about this one.

    The Big One – The ACT Weta Championship – held in conjunction with the YMCA Multihull Champs.  18-19 Oct.  Obviously a must sail!

    As usual the first half of the season is the busiest.

    Nothing worse than travelling and finding only one other boat in your class present!

    Could owners give an indication of interest in the Jervis Bay, RMYC and ACT Weta Champs? – and more information if available.

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    • #337

      Hi Leigh

      I have sailed out of YMCASC many moons ago as a kid in a Mirror Dinghy. Mostly we sailed from the CYC, but occasionally there would be a regatta at YMCA. But we are talking about last century!

      Re Gosford launching and retrieving – I guess it’s just what you are used to. But in my experience its better than most places in Sydney. There is adequate parking on flat ground and a big grassy space to rig up on (for example 100+ Lasers have had their State titles previously at Gosford. 30+ lasers most Saturdays plus other classes). The grass leads down to a sandy beach which is about 10? metres long – there can be a delay of a few minutes if everyone decides to launch at the same time, although the plus side is that there are usually some friendly people ready to drag your dolly up onto the grass for you! You can jump on board with your centreboard half down and within another 5-10m you are in deep water

      Anyway, looking forward to the season ahead

      Cheers, Alistair

    • #332

      Hi Alistair,

      Glenn is getting the details on Jervis Bay, so stay tuned on that one!   I believe that two Wetas from Canberra are planning to make the JB regatta.

      In Canberra Spring is the best season for wind, sometimes too much!   Make sure you bring your cold weather sailing gear.  With a little luck we should get some good sailing in and the venue is very attractive.   The Weta can sail under Commonwealth Bridge and get access to Central Basin – the National Library, High Court and the National Gallery are located on the south bank.   Cruisers can also sail  to the Governor-General’s for a look.  So if you want to race and cruise you can look forward to plenty of sailing!

      Nice water in Gosford.  Be nice to get a Weta event happening up there.  Looks a bit thin re launching and retrieving though.

      Wetaz #904







    • #331

      Hi all

      I am committed to the Canberra weekend – have already booked accomm. I’ll be sailing by myself or with one of my kids, depending on conditions. My father will also be coming with his Weta, so that makes 2 from Gosford Sailing Club. Looking forward to it.

      Regarding the other regattas, I can’t commit yet. However the dates you mentioned for Jervis Bay do not match those mentioned elsewhere. Others think that Jervis Bay is on the long weekend. Some have decided to opt out of Jervis Bay because of long weekend commitment s and long weekend traffic. I have not been able to find any info about Jervis Bay on the Web.

      Are you sure about the Jervis Bay dates?



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