Home Forums Australian Racing & Events Australian Nationals 2015?

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  • #667
    Paul White

    Glenn Marney has suggested we should think of organising a Weta Nationals at Christmas 2015.  Are we ready to do so?

    We’d have to register as a class with YA if we want to organise our own event which means we’d need to incorporate as an Association (I checked). Of course we could just pick an existing event and specify that as being the National Championships (as other classes do) and use the insurance of the organising club and save the hassle.

    I’d rather have an open water venue rather than on an inland lake – sorry Canberra 😉

    Until we get significant numbers in SA and WA (I can see 4 boats in WA and 1 in SA on the Weta World Map), we might switch alternate years between say, Eden (Twofold Bay) & Pittwater and SW Rocks (Trial Bay) where there are existing regattas we can tag onto which might make it more interesting and make it easier to organise.

    Using this “How far can I travel” calculator, I produced the map attached showing the 6 hour driving range (@80kph average) from Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane respectfully. I’ve also added Eden and SW Rocks.

    There’s another map here which shows the locations of sailing clubs with multihulls in NSW, VIC and QLD if someone wants to suggest an alternative venue. Not that the organisers have to be a multihull club specifically but it does indicate they have the space and a suitable launching site.


    how far can I drive
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Paul White.
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Paul White.
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Paul White.
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Paul White.
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by Paul White.
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  • Author
    • #682

      Speaking on behalf of my local club, (Gosford) they would be happy to host a regatta (States or Nationals or other). They have a regatta we could attach ourselves too (planned for March 2015 this year although I will be away that weekend!) but they host other regattas as stand alone events as well. I’m not saying we have to choose them, but I’m sure they would be willing and able. Other venues will be excellent too, I’m sure.

      Barring family commitments I’m happy and keen to travel for a regatta – I have pencilled Jervis Bay and Canberra into the diary for this year.


    • #676
      Paul White
      • City: Sydney
      • Country: Australia
      • Weta Sail Number: 1300

      Australian Weta Nationals Poll

      In trying to organise the nationals we need to try to please the majoirty so we select the veune and format that attracts the largest number of participants. Please complete the questionnaire below.

      Would you be more likely to attend a Weta Nationals event it it was held over a holiday weekend or non-holiday weekend?1. Yes
      2. No

      How many days should the event last?1. 1
      2. 2
      3. 3

      When should the event take place?1. December
      2. Between Christmas and New Year
      3. January
      4. February
      5. Other

      How far would you be willing to travel to attend a Weta Nationals event?1. Up to 3 hours
      2. 3-5 Hours
      3. 6-8 Hours
      4. 8+ hours

      Would you prefer an event to be held on the sea, on enclosed waters near the sea, on an inland lake?1. sea
      2. near sea
      3. inland

      What format regatta would you prefer?1. olympic-style courses
      2. olympic-style +reaching leg
      3. around fixed marks

      What format distance race would you prefer?1. around fixed marks
      2. orienteering (map reading)

      • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Paul White.
    • #673
      WETA NSW

      Hi Paul the Nationals idea was Kevins from QLD , as we aren’t a class association i think it would be best to find an event and as you put it tack onto it and call it our WETA NATIONALS event re insurance etc.

      As for location i guess that will be somewhat dependant on who’s holding an event ? maybe the AUS day long w/end ? or late dec 2015 early jan 2016 . i think we need to get the guys thinking about this . Even a NSW TITLES EVENT AS WELL,

      • #674
        Paul White
        • City: Sydney
        • Country: Australia
        • Weta Sail Number: 1300

        I think we should choose the location to maximise the attendance and enjoyment of the event – rather than asking someone to host it.

        The Mannering Park Open Cat Regatta is over 2 days of the Australia Day holiday which we could tag along with – perhaps combine it with our own distance/orienteering event (like WetaFest NZ) on the Monday. I’ll get the chance to scout it out over the weekend.

        I’m not so worried about only holding events over a holiday weekend to avoid taking time off work – but others may be.

        I have added a poll to canvas options.

        • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Paul White.
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