Home Forums General Weta Stuff Miranda Powrie leaving Weta Marine

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  • #473
    Paul White

    Everyone involved in the Weta will miss Miranda who has done a fantastic job marketing the boat but is heading on for a great career move. She has promised to stay in touch and sail in some of the events when she can.

    If you know of someone who could replace her, please get in touch with roger@wetamarine.com


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  • Author
    • #475

      Where is Miranda moving to?

      Good luck Miranda!  Pleasure making your acquaintance.

      At least we share the young and beautiful, not sure about talented and my career is dead in the water!

      But I am sure you will go on to make every post a winner!

    • #474
      WETA NSW

      Yes Paul Miranda is an integral part of Weta and i just cant think of it without her , but shes young and beautiful  and talented and getting on with building her career .

      I wish Miranda all the best in the future and that she slays them at her new job which im sure she will .

      Miranda My boat is available  any time you come over the ditch and feel the need for speed lol  or to teach an old sailor some new tricks your always welcome to visit

      Cheers and thanks for all your help when i started up couldn’t have done it without you

      Weta NSW

      Glenn Marney

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