Home Forums General Weta Stuff Sydney Northern Beach’s Launch Spots

  • Creator
  • #19172
    Nick Payne

    Hello everyone!

    I’m in search of some great places to launch a Weta in Pittwater, as I’m relatively new to Weta ownership. Currently residing in Freshwater, I’ve been setting off from Clontarf but am keen to explore more distant locations. Appreciate any suggestions you all might have.

    Thank you!

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  • Author
    • #19179
      Nick Payne
      • City: Freshwater
      • Country: Australia
      • Weta Sail Number: 1413

      (Awaiting moderation)

    • #19175
      Paul White
      • City: Sydney
      • Country: Australia
      • Weta Sail Number: 1300

      Hi Nick

      There are 4 potential launch sites depending on the state of the tide and where you plan to sail. Listed in order of distance from Mona Vale.

      1. Bayview Beach Boat Ramp
        Situated near the Tennis Courts, this concrete ramp on to the sand has excellent parking including parking reserved for cars with trailers. There’s also a BBQ and water available and toilets in the Rowland Reserve car park to the South. The beach is a mixture of firm and soft sand and slopes fairly gently before you get into deeper water. The only downside is when the tide is out it’s quite a long drag to get back to the ramp.
      2. Bayview Yacht Racing Association
        The club house is only open at weekends and has toilets and showers but there is parking right next to the beach and it’s very convenient to launch from.
        The tide does go out quite a long way and it is muddy if you have to pull your boat through it.
      3. Long Beach via Delecta Ave
        This is further along towards Avalon and we have used it when racing in the Avalon SC Australia Day Regatta. There’s a sand ramp leading onto the beach from Delecta Ave but the beach is quite small when the tide is in – on the plus side it deepens fairly quickly. You’re unlikely to be able to park nearby but there are  Toilets and facilities at the Clareville Beach Reserve, which also has a car park with 12h spaces which fill up quickly on weekends – you may have to park further along the Hudson Parade.
      4. Sand Point Boat Ramp
        This is used by Palm Beach Sailing Club (catamarans) which operates out of a nearby shed at the South end of Iluka Rd (no facilities).
        There is parking in Iluka Road car park which has toilets but that can get busy at weekends.  There’s a cafe (Coast 7am-2pm)  nearby on Barrnejoey Road. The ramp is a bit narrow and mainly used by fishermen. Better to launch from the beach South of the ramp.
        There is a grassy area above the beach (West of the ramp) for rigging up but the sand bank to get down is quite steep.

      Hope this helps

      • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Paul White.
      • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Paul White.
      • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Paul White.
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